Tel: 087 1394393

Covid-19 Grooming Process

Your Grooming visit during Covid-19


Just a few extra bits -I will be wearing a face mask throughout the whole groom as a precaution (but I already did this before Covid so the dogs will be used to seeing me this way).  

The crate in my reception will be disinfected in-between customers along with any surfaces that might have been touched during your visit. Whilst dogs are in my care they will not mix and will be kept are far apart as I can from each other.

Waggy Tails Dog  and Puppy Grooming at Golden, Cashel, County Tipperary.  Professional Dog Groomer -  Clipping, Scissoring, Brushing, Trimming      

Hand made dog collar bows for Groomers     Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

Click on images to enlarge my Covid-19 Grooming and Sanitisation Certificates